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    fast and personalised: introducing our new customer support strategy

    E-⁠Residency recently adopted a new customer strategy until 2026. Our goal is to offer e-⁠residents comprehensive and accessible support throughout their entire journey.

    e-Residency's new customer strategy focuses on fast and personalised support

    If you’ve ever had a question regarding e-Residency and been in touch with our support, it may be that we’ve spoken before. E-Residency’s support team works every day to provide clear and accurate information - from what e-Residency is to the details you may need to know when starting and running your company in Estonia. For many new e-residents, the support team is their first point of contact on their journey. Despite the fact that e-⁠Residency is a government programme, we strive to operate like a startup with our e-⁠resident customers at the forefront of our minds at all times. Recently, we adopted a new customer strategy that is set to be in place until 2026. Our goal is to offer e-⁠residents comprehensive and accessible support throughout their entire journey through e-⁠Residency.

    In creating our new strategy, we took in feedback, as well as spent considerable time analysing future trends in support and technological developments we could use to provide faster and more personalized support. 

    So what did we end up with? In the next paragraphs, I’ll go over some of the more important and interesting focal points.

    Segmentation - to each their own

    As perhaps the most useful outcome of our new customer strategy, we have outlined six broader types of personas who contact our support. In creating this segmentation, we can now focus more on providing customers with information in the format and method they find most useful and accessible. One-size-fits-all is a rare accomplishment with a highly diverse user-base. Segmentation helps us offer each group the specific form and content of support they are seeking.

    For example, in acknowledging we receive questions from both “quick resolver” as well as “thorough learner” types, we can work on making sure information about starting a business in Estonia is easily accessible to both those who want a short and sweet answer as well as those who want to really focus on making sure they understand the Estonian tax system, for example. After all, even if facts are universal, delivery is key.

    The e-⁠Residency community is incredibly diverse, so our support needs to match this. We will also pay attention to delivering more engaging content for those who are more visual learners.

    Balancing personal touch with AI

    In truth, e-⁠Residency has been using AI to help us along for several years already. With the exponential speed Large Language Models are developing, we want to make sure we also harness its potential in our support.

    However, fret not, talking to a person is not going anywhere!

    The e-⁠Residency team prides ourselves on our ability to offer personalised and in-depth responses to all who seek to get in touch with us, be it through email or a DM on social media. The focus of our foray into AI is currently on creating resources e-⁠residents can use independently to find the best possible resources available, not creating auto-responders that e-⁠residents would need to “outsmart” to be able to chat to a human. Hopefully, you will be seeing the first few results of our work in this regard in the coming months.

    Proactive and reactive support

    Making sure knowledge about e-⁠Residency and digital entrepreneurship isn’t just responding to messages, far from it. In fact, a large part of our focus is on making sure answers to future questions are out there and easy to find before you would need to even look up our support contacts! To make sure we can focus on these two aspects of info-transmission separately, we have decided to acknowledge them separately in our strategy as well - as proactive and reactive support.

    Katrina Koppel

    This article was written by Katrina Koppel, Customer Support Quality Manager at e-⁠Residency. If you have ever written to our support team, Katrina may have assisted with your query.

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